Pokemon Party Ideas

Pokemon is back with a vengeance! Or did it really ever go away? 

Decorations: Make a Pokemon Character Wall. This will be a wonderful conversation piece for the guests and will also look great as decoration. Choose at least 10 pokemon and download their enlarged images right from http://www.pokemon.com - the official Pokemon website. Print out as large as possible using coloured ink. Using details found online or right on their card, write out each pokemon's biography. Their health, powers, their weaknesses etc. on a separate sheet of paper in a large print. What you should end up with is 10 large coloured photos and 10 corresponding bios. Display all pictures with bios beside or underneath on one central wall. Use licensed Pokemon party decorations or coordinating coloured balloons and streamers to accent the Character wall and make it the focal point of the party room.

Games: Pokemon Toss - This is a fun challenge, and a challenging it is! Turn an average pack of ping pong balls into Pokeballs with a red and a black sharpie marker. Sharpie's are the best as the colour will not rub off. Set up a series of 6 pails or boxes of some sort. It is your choice whether to have them horizontally, diagonally, in 2 rows of 3 or clustered together. Whichever you choose, just make sure the pails are close together, about 2-3 centimetres apart. Purchase some Pokemon trading cards, enough for each guest to win 5 or 6 each. Mark a line about 5 or 6 feet back. Line the bottom of each pail with 1 trading card-make sure they are face down so the players cannot see them. With the birthday child going first, give him 6 balls and challenge him to toss them one by one into the pails. The more balls he lands into different buckets, the more cards he wins. When all 6 balls are thrown, the player may then collect his winning cards. Finding out which cards they won will be very exciting! Replace the cards, gather the balls and have the next child in line have a go! Keep playing until the cards run out or everyone has their equal share. Its not as easy as you might think! This may take 3 or 4 rounds - those Pokeballs are hard to tame!

Pinata Craft: A really simple way is to purchase a Pikachu pinata from great sites like mine! If your feeling crafty, another option is to paper mache a punch balloon. That way, you have a built in hanger with the elastic handle - make sure to blow the punch ball up until its completely round. The key is to use several layers of newspaper and glue to make the pinata very sturdy and give yourself several days of drying time. A good glue ratio is 1 part water to 3 parts white glue. The newspaper strips should be about 2 inches wide and about 9 inches long. When the ball is absolutely dry, use an exacto knife and cut a flap about 4 inches x 4 inches. Just enough room to pull out the beach ball or pop the balloon. Paint and decorate your Pinata, fill with candy and treats and reseal. 

"Are You Smarter then a Pokemon Trainer?" Play a Pokemon Trivia game based on the Pokedex found at Pokemon.com. Break the group into 2 teams as everyone might not be experts and there is always more confidence in the team spirit as opposed to one on one. Prepare a list of questions that get progressively a little harder.  Questions like "Who is Green?", "Who has Wings?" and "Who can Shed their Skin?" If one team gives the incorrect answer, the other team may steal!
I found this cool link where you put in your full name and favourite colour and it gives you your official Pokemon name and stats. Mine says that I live in Antarctica and eat Meatballs. The direct link is http://pizza.sandwich.net/poke/pokemon.html - Perhaps you do this for each child as they arrive at the party. Make it into a name tag, placemat, loot bag item,seating card or just for fun. Its quite simple and really quite funny for fans of Pokemon!

Menu: So much work is involved with the setup of this party, go for the favourite food of Pokemon Trainers - Pizza of course! Its simple and easy - especially if you order out. A really neat drink idea is to make a Pokemon Power Punch. All you need is a punch bowl filled with Mountain Dew and some Strawberry or Raspberry Sorbet. Just before you are about to serve, add the sorbet and the kids can watch it fizz and froth. It tastes amazing too! For dessert you can make cupcakes with red, white and black icing and a white gumball for the center to resemble the Pokeball. If you prefer a cake, use some Pokemon figurines to create a scene just like those expensive decopac sets sold in specialty stores. Now go and conquer!

Pokemon party supplies in Canada

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