Invitations: A fun and easy way to create a construction themed invitation is to cut poster board into shapes of tools like saws, hammers or safety hats. On the front of the invitation you could write something like "Caution! Construction Party Ahead!" You can make the invite more interesting by visiting your local dollar store and purchasing some construction pencils, rulers, safety goggles, measuring tapes or work gloves and attaching the invitation to it. There are tons of items that you can grab, often priced at 2 for $1.00 so just use your imagination. The little themed gift will definitely get the excitement brewing for the upcoming party.
Decorations: A must have is yellow and black caution tape which can be found at any hardware store. A neat idea is to use orange construction cones all around the party area with yellow and black helium balloons tied to them. A cool do-it-yourself idea is to make several diamond shaped "Caution, Birthday Zone, Men at Work & Kids at Play" signs out of yellow poster board and hang them around the area. Traffic signs are also excellent decorations. Old blueprints look g

Games : Some simple games are "Pass the Tool Box" and "Skyscraper" that will work well for the under 4 crowd. In Pass the Tool Box you simply sit the kids in a circle and pass around a box to music. When the music stops, the child holding the tool box gets to open it and choose a candy! In skyscraper the object is to build the highest tower of blocks possible within a designated period of time. For guests a little older than 4 perhaps you can try games like"Dirt Mover" or "Wheelbarrow" as these require a bit more instructions. In wheelbarrow you set up an obstacle course using orange cones. Each player must push a child sized barrel around the course without spilling the contents (stuffed animals, crumpled paper etc.) If you spill you must start again and the best time wins! In dirt mover, separate the kids into 2 teams and provide each team with a kid safe shovel. Place 2 empty pails a reasonable distance apart from a pile of dirt and have the kids shovel from the pile and run back to fill their teams bucket one at a time. When one teams bucket is full the relay race is over.
Activities: A really neat idea to add to this type of themed party is to give the little workers a chance to see a backhoe or any small machine in action! Perhaps you do that yourself or know some

Loot Bags: Pass on the traditional and use a small plastic tool box, a plastic hard hat wrapped in cellophane, a sand pail with shovel or even a tool pouch. Fill the item of your choice with si

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Great blog .. Very interesting . ")
These are the kid's weaknesses.. :)
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